The Friendship Group
The ever popular Friendship Group is on Wednesday mornings from 10:00 am when the church is open for people to enjoy good company with crafts, table games, and conversation, seasoned with morning tea. In addition to this people are able to borrow items from the church library, take part in a bible study, sing hymns and choruses, and listen to a devotional.
Indoor Bowls
Come and enjoy a social game of Bowls, $2.00/week - afternoon tea provided. Especially suited to the retired age group. Mondays at 1.30pm. Contact Shane, 028 436 1401.
Parents Coffee Morning and Playgroup
Playgroup is for anyone in the community with pre-school aged children to come to a safe environment to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and share in conversation. We aim to be friendly, relational and supportive, with toys, etc for children. Tuesdays at 9.30am. Contact Tina, 021 0263 6672 or the church office.
BB New Zealand
BB is an action, adventure, activity and values-based programme for kiwi boys. BB allows boys to be boys. It’s not mamby-pamby or flaky. It is faith, blood, mud, fire, water, speed, smash and build. Meet at the church on Thursdays at 6 pm. See the BB website for more information or contact the church office.